Bumblebee breath is a yogic breathing exercise, or pranayama, that resembles the sound of a bumblebee's buzzing. It is also known as bee breath and humming breath in English, and as bhramari pranayama in Sanskrit. Bumbleebee breath is typically practiced in a seated position, such as easy pose… View Full Term
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Taking yoga online is reaching every corner of the earth. Teachers are making their classes more accessible and affordable, and helping us all stay sane.
By: Lindsay Nova Calvert
The experience of deepening an Ashtanga vinyasa yoga practice in its birthplace of Mysore, India.
Diwali, also known as the festival of light, is the biggest event of the year for Hindu communities all over the world.
By: Alekszandra Rokvity
In practicing yoga, you become part of an ancient and sacred sharing circle, and taking part in this communion reminds us that we are never alone.
By: Rachel Bilski
International Yoga Day is June 21st. Here are 10 ways you can celebrate your love for yoga on this special day.
By: Aimee Hughes
Diwali is a popular Hindu festival celebrated in the fall. Learn about this colorful festival of lights & how you can join in on celebrating.
Yogini Jade Lizzie shares how a yoga festival, entirely unexpectedly, taught her a lesson in the value of community.
By: Jade Lizzie | Yoga teacher, writer and health and wellness geek.
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