Upanshu is a practice that involves quietly repeating a mantra or a deity’s name. It is one of three types of japa, a Sanskrit word that means “muttering.” Upanshu is also a Sanskrit word and means “in a low voice” or “in a whisper.” In upanshu japa, the mantra is murmured so… View Full Term
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In a goal-orientated, success-obsessed culture, Yin yoga provides the answers on how to surrender and why you should even bother.
By: Jade Lizzie | Yoga teacher, writer and health and wellness geek.
Here's a breakdown of the meridians in Yin Yoga and how they can promote health and relaxation.
By: Lindsay Nova Calvert
Getting close to the earth, touching it, feeling it, and resting the body on it is deeply calming.
By: Aimee Hughes
Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga are often used interchangeably, but they are very different styles. Here's a comparison between the two styles.
By: Christina Rosso
Rachel Bonkink's yoga journey is one that we could all stand to learn a thing or two from. Discover why we love her and her blog so much in this Q&A.
By: Yogapedia Editorial Team
Yogapedia contributor and yoga instructor, Jade Garratt, explains the philosophy of yin and yang, and all about the style of Yin yoga.
There are as many types of yoga as there are sides to you. Our team writer and yoga instructor, Jade Garratt, shares her experience getting to know yoga and herself.
Chinese philosophy states that all things have yin and yang polarities. Yin is feminine, dark, passive and deep; while yang is masculine, light, dynamic and superficial.
Practicing Yin yoga can be done in as little as 20 minutes. Explore this quick, yet effective, restorative Yin yoga sequence for a renewed sense of calm. Integrate Yin yoga into your Sadhana.
Learning to let go and surrender to what you are experiencing in the moment takes courage. Learn how Yin yoga can teach you how to surrender, and how the act of letting go can strengthen your ability to live a mindful life.
How do we bring our yoga practice with us when we travel? Learn some tips and tricks to taking yoga on the road, even if you forgot your mat at home!
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