
How do I slow down the speed of my astral projection?

By Yogapedia Editorial Team | Published: October 8, 2018 | Last updated: October 8, 2018

Time is an interesting element that we as humans deal with on a daily basis. When we think about time, there are various ways in which to define it. defines time as both a noun and a verb, with the earliest usage of the current verb (time, dating from late Middle English) meaning to "do (something) at a particular moment."

With any definition of time that we take on, we find one common thread; time brings change and change implies motion. Our physical concept of time is connected to our experiences because that is what our brain can decode and store as memories and sensory input. Time in everyday life is constantly shifting from past to present to future.

On the other hand, as we are continuously creating time, time is not universally the same for every observer. One observation of time relates to personal experiences while the other relates to the objective world. In our waking moments, we perceive the sense of time based on the speed of our physical body. In dream states, astral projections, etc., we are not limited by the speed of the physical body's nervous system. There is no relation between brain time as measured by neural activity and the experiences inside a dream.

(What is astral projection?)

The following are several ways to slip in and out of time while traveling:

We can begin to play with our relationship with time in our waking states by utilizing breath control techniques. When we are overstimulated, stressed, anxious, etc., our breath rate and rhythm increase along with heart rate. These two variables play a heavy role in how we observe and perceive time.

Calming the nervous system during waking hours relaxes the body/mind and allows for travel to occur with greater ease and potentially for extended periods. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic breaths, helping to calm your brain and all other activities, reaching states of lower vibrations and frequencies — i.e. alpha, delta or even theta waves — helping to further induce a trance state.

When breathing in, breathe deeply into your stomach and gently hold the breath for a few moments. Exhale slowly. Repeat this process several times. Counting the moments in between each breath, moving into the pause and beginning to explore the in-between of each breath, each moment, slowing down.

Another method to utilize in the slowing down of time is music. Concentrate on the music, a rhythm, a sound or a tempo until you loose all other sensory input. Again, play with the moments between sounds. Linger in the empty spaces…Play/expand/remove expectation.

Happy travels!


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