What Does
Mulabandhasana Mean?
Mulabandhasana, also spelled moolabandhasana, is an advanced seated posture that requires flexibility in the hips, knees, legs, ankles and feet. The name comes from the Sanskrit, mula, meaning “root”; bandha, meaning “knot” or “lock”; and asana, which translates as “pose” or “posture.”
From a seated position with the soles of the feet touching and the knees dropped to the side, the feet are drawn back until the yogi is seated on them. In the more advanced version of the pose, the feet are flipped backward so the toes point behind the yogi.
In English, mulabandhasana is known as root lock pose, root chakra pose or perineal contraction pose.

Yogapedia Explains Mulabandhasana
Mulabandhasana is one of the asanas in the fourth series of Ashtanga yoga. It also serves as a bandha – that is, an energy lock and restricts and redirects the flow of prana energy through the body. As the name suggests, it also activates the root chakra, or muladhara. This chakra provides a sense of grounding, stability and security. As the lowest chakra, a balanced muladhara is the foundation for activating the rest of the chakras.
Mulabandhasana improves flexibility, tones the digestive and reproductive organs and boost sexual energy. It is also believed to:
- Calm the mind
- Boost confidence
- Open one's consciousness
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