Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Closing Sequence Of Ashtanga Yoga Mean?
The closing sequence of Ashtanga yoga is a series of restorative postures always performed in the same order as a way to finish the practice. The closing sequence is the same regardless of the level of difficulty of the main practice. In Ashtanga yoga, all asana practice starts with two variations of sun salutation followed by a standing sequence. The yogi then follows with one of six series of vinyasa of increasing difficulty, after which the closing sequence ends the practice.
Ashtanga yoga is an ancient form of the yoga that is believed to be rediscovered in the early 20th century by yogi Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who then began creating the sequences that today comprise the series.
Yogapedia Explains Closing Sequence Of Ashtanga Yoga
The poses in the closing sequence of Ashtanga yoga are designed to calm the nervous system, cool the body and return it to balance. The closing sequence, therefore, includes counterposes and inversions.
The closing sequence may vary depending on the teacher, but the 16 postures listed here are typical of those included in the closing sequence:
- Salamba sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- Urdhva padmasana
- Pindasana
- Matsyasana
- Uttana padasana
- Shirshasana A
- Shirshasana B
- Urdhva dandasana
- Balasana
- Baddha padmasana
- Yoga mudra
- Padmasana
- Utplutih
- Shavasana
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Finishing Sequence of Ashtanga Yoga