
Hollow Back Forearm Stand

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Hollow Back Forearm Stand Mean?

Hollow back forearm stand combines an arm balance with a backbend. It is considered a relatively challenging pose as it requires body awareness, stability and flexibility.

In this posture, the weight is supported on the forearms, which are parallel and shoulder-width apart. The neck is neutral. The legs kick up and open into a forward split position with the front leg straight or bent at the knee. The chest is then drawn through between the arms so that the back forms a hollow shape. The leg closest to the chest moves forward, parallel with the floor. The posture is then repeated with the legs switched.

Hollow Back Forearm Stand


Yogapedia Explains Hollow Back Forearm Stand

Hollow back forearm stand has a number of benefits, including:

  • Strengthens the arms, shoulders and upper body
  • Stretches and opens the muscles of the chest
  • Improves balance and stability
  • Builds confidence in inversions

The posture can be practiced initially in front of a wall, so that the top foot kicks up to find the wall and is supported there while the yogi learns to balance. It is important to master balancing in forearm stand with a neutral neck before this posture is attempted.

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Hollowback Forearmstand

Hollowback Forearm Stand

Hollow Back Forearm Balance

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