Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Revolved Pigeon Pose Mean?
Revolved pigeon pose is a variation on the classical pigeon pose, but it adds a twist to the posture, moving the sensations and effect of the stretch into a slightly different part of the hip and pelvis area.
Revolved pigeon pose is entered into from the classical pigeon pose, with the right leg forward. The left hand or the left forearm is placed toward the center of the mat in front of the right shin. To complete this pose, the body should be revolved to the right, allowing the right arm to wrap around the back and take hold of the side of the waist or hip, or to take a bind with the right foot or big toe. Revolved pigeon pose should be repeated on the opposite side.
Revolved pigeon pose is also known as parivrtta kapotasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Revolved Pigeon Pose
Revolved pigeon pose provides the hip opening effects of the classical pigeon pose, while adding in the benefits of a twist. It moves the stretch from the posterior part of the gluteus maximus into the lateral portion, and it specifically stretches the area where the glutes and the tensor fasciae latae both insert into the iliotibial band, an area which is tight for many yogis.
Additional physical benefits of revolved pigeon pose include:
- Externally rotates the thighs
- Releases tension in the back
- Stretches the hip flexors
- Opens the front of the body
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Revolved King Pigeon Pose
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