What Does
Karma Bhumi Mean?
Karma bhumi is a Sanskrit term that translates as “land of action.” Bhumi means “earth,” “country” or “land,” while karma is typically defined as “action” or “activity.” In Jainism and Hinduism, what constitutes karma bhumi varies depending on the tradition, but always refers to some sort of earthly plane.
The law of karma refers to the concept of one’s actions — both good and bad — affecting one’s destiny or fate in the future and in subsequent lives. Because karma is rooted in the belief systems of India, karma bhumi is sometimes used as a synonym for India or the Indian subcontinent.
Yogapedia Explains Karma Bhumi
In Indian philosophy, the universe is divided into realms or regions, which vary in number but include some sort of heavenly world, earthly world and underworld. The earthly world, called martya or bhu-loka, is sometimes referred to in its entirety as karma bhumi, or the place where good and bad actions reap karma. The other worlds, or lokas, are collectively referred to as bhoga bhumi.
In Jainism, the world inhabited by humans is divided into zones, three of which – bharat kshetra, mahavideh kshetra and airavat kshetra – comprise karma bhumi. In karma bhumi, Jain doctrine is preached and the faithful live an austere life in order to obtain liberation. In the other zones, people live a life of pleasure with no sin and, therefore, no need for religion.
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