Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
One-Legged Side Crane Pose Mean?
One-legged side crane pose is a challenging arm-balancing posture that improves concentration, strengthens the shoulders and stretches the hamstrings. The posture is a variation of one-legged crane pose with a different leg position.
From a squatting position, the hands are placed on the ground and the hips are lifted with one leg extended straight back and one leg in half lotus (foot atop the opposite thigh).
One-legged side crane pose is also known by its Sanskrit name, eka pada parsva bakasana.

Yogapedia Explains One-Legged Side Crane Pose
In addition to targeting the hamstrings and shoulders, one-legged side crane strengthens and stretches the knees, lower back, arms and wrists. The pose is thought to offer the following additional benefits:
- Develops balance and stability
- Builds core strength
- Improves focus
- Boosts confidence
One-legged side crane is an advanced posture that requires upper body strength and balance. It should only be attempted after mastering crane pose and one-legged crane pose.
When first attempting this pose, yogis may place blankets alongside and in front to cushion a fall. For stability, the knee of the bent leg is typically braced against or placed atop the upper portion of the corresponding arm.
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