Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Bandha Triya Mean?
Bandha triya is a yoga technique designed to control the flow of prana energy by sealing the ends of one of the body’s energy channels called nadis. The term comes from the Sanskrit bandha, meaning “lock,” “binding” or “closing,” and triya, meaning “three” or “triple.” In yoga, a bandha is a technique that uses muscle contractions to lock energy in a particular location or direct it to a specific part of the body.
Bandha triya refers to the practice of using three different bandhas simultaneously: uddiyana bandha, jalandhara bandha and mula bandha.
Yogapedia Explains Bandha Triya
The purpose of bandha triya is to seal ends of the sushumna nadi (central energy channel that runs the length of the spine), thereby directing prana energy to the manipura (root) chakra for purification, after which, it travels up the sushumna nadi to the crown chakra.
The bandha triya consists of:
- Uddiyana bandha, which is also known as the stomach lock, activates navel center energy. With this bandha, the yogi exhales while sucking the abdomen toward the spine.
- Jalandhara bandha, also known as the chin lock, blocks the passage of energy through the ida and pingala nadis, which are the energy channels that weave up and down the left and right sides of the spine. With this bandha, the yogi drops the chin to the base of the throat.
- Mula bandha, or root lock, controls the prana at the base of the sushumna nadi. With this bandha, the muscles deep within the perineum are contracted.
Bandha triya is typically employed in advanced pranayama breathing exercises, meditation and occasionally in some asana practice.
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