
Svadana Pratyaksha

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Svadana Pratyaksha Mean?

Svadana pratyaksha is one of the four ways of obtaining pratyaksha, or perception. From Sanskrit, svadana means “one’s own due,” “one’s own property” and “tasting/enjoying,” while pratyaksha means “this which is before one’s eyes.” It is an individual’s perception of the self and growing self-awareness. Yogis may wish to develop and refine their pratyaksha through following The Eight Limbs of Yoga.


Yogapedia Explains Svadana Pratyaksha

Traditionally, there are said to be four ways of obtaining pratyaksha: indriya pratyaksha (sense perception), manas pratyaksha (mental perception), svadana pratyaksha (self-consciousness) and yoga pratyaksha (super-normal intuition). Correct svadana pratyaksha allows individuals to have truthful and right perceptions of themselves. It is a self-consciousness that occurs by growing self-intelligence through the tattvas.

Pratyaksha is the first of the pramanas and is broadly divided into two types: direct perception, or anubhava, and remembered perception, or smriti. It can alternatively be divided into indiscriminate perception, or nirvikalpa, where perception of the object is made without recognizing distinguishing features; and discriminate perception, or savikalpa, where distinguishing features are observed. The indiscriminate perception (nirvikalpa) type of pratyaksha is crucial in Advaita Vedanta because it means that the Ultimate Reality, or Brahman, can be perceived without features when liberation into truth occurs.

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Swadana Pratyaksha

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