Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Sirsa Padasana Mean?
Sirsa padasana is an advanced backbend combined with a headstand. The name comes from the Sanskrit, sirsa, meaning “head”; pada, meaning “foot” or “feet”; and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.”
To practice the pose, the yogi takes sirsasana (headstand) with the forearms resting on the ground, the hands clasped and the head resting in the triangle formed by the forearms. The legs then drop toward the back of the head as in vrishchikasana (scorpion pose). The drishti is toward the nose.
In English, sirsa padasana is known as feet-to-head pose or headstand with scorpion legs.

Yogapedia Explains Sirsa Padasana
Sirsa padasana is a posture that is often included in the two most advanced series of Ashtanga yoga: the fifth and sixth series. It is also an advanced posture in other styles of yoga. The late B.K.S. Iyengar, founder of Iyengar yoga, rated it as 52 out of 60 on his scale of difficulty. He described sirsa padasana as the most difficult of all backbends.
In addition to its physical benefits, which include a strong spinal stretch and increased blood flow to the brain, sirsa padasana develops concentration and focus. As a backbend, it is believed to open the anahata (heart center) chakra, which is associated with love, acceptance and empathy.
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