Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Vedantin Mean?
Vedantin is the word that describes someone who follows the school of thought known as Vedanta. The term comes from the Sanskrit, veda, which means “knowledge,” and anta, meaning “the goal of” or “the end of.” Rooted in Hinduism, Vedanta is one of the world’s broadest and most ancient philosophies.
Vedantins believe in the harmony of all religions, the divinity of all that exists and the oneness of existence. Vedanta is based mainly on the Upanishads, or the final part of each of the Vedas (Hindu religious texts) that represent the spiritual contemplations.
Yogapedia Explains Vedantin
Vedanta is one of the six classic schools of Hindu philosophy and is sometimes called Uttara Mimamsa. Vedanta is further divided into six sub-schools. Vedantins don’t typically focus on traditional rituals, choosing instead to concentrate on self-discipline, meditation and connection with Spirit.
Vedantins can follow one of four yogic paths to understanding the individual’s divine nature:
- Bhakti yoga – the path of devotion, which focuses on prayer and worship.
- Jnana yoga – the path of knowledge, focuses on using reason and intellect to find the divine within.
- Karma yoga – the path of selfless work, which focuses on good works with no expected reward.
- Raja yoga – the path of meditation, which allows the yogi to reach higher consciousness and deeper understanding.
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