Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Parivrtta Samatvamasana Mean?
Parivrtta samatvamasana is a twisted squat that requires balance. The name comes from the Sanskrit parivrtta, meaning “twisted” or “revolved,” samatva, meaning “balance” or “equality” and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.”
From samatvamasana — a squat with the knees touching, the balance on the toes and the hands in anjali mudra (prayer position) — the yogi twists his torso until the elbow rests outside the leg. The drishti is skyward.
In English, it is known as revolved squatting toe balance or revolved tiptoe balance pose.

Yogapedia Explains Parivrtta Samatvamasana
Besides a range of physical benefits, from increased flexibility to improving digestion and elimination, parivrtta samatvamasana is believed to improve focus and concentration. It also opens several of the energy centers along the spine known as chakras, providing addition benefits.
As a twist, parivrtta samatvamasana activates the manipura (navel) chakra and svadhisthana (sacral) chakra. As a squat, it opens the muladhara (root) chakra. Opening muladhara is grounding, providing stability, a feeling of security and confidence. Manipura also builds confidence, self-esteem and self-motivation. Svadhisthana is the center of creativity, pleasure, abundance and joy.
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