Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Eka Pada Salamba Navasana Mean?
Eka pada salamba navasana is a seated core strengthening posture that is a modified variation of paripurna navasana. The name comes from the Sanskrit, eka, meaning “one,” pada, meaning “foot,” salamba, meaning “supported,” nava, meaning “boat,” and asana, meaning “pose."
In this asana, one leg is lifted and extended forward so that the toes are at approximately eye level. The other leg remains on the ground and is bent at the knee for support, with the additional option of dropping the knee out to the side. Then the hands hold the lifted leg for extra support. The drishti should be taken to the third eye point or the toes. The posture is then repeated on the other side.
Eka pada salamba navasana may be commonly referred to in English as one leg supported boat pose.
Yogapedia Explains Eka Pada Salamba Navasana
As well as requiring strength in the muscles of the core and back, eka pada salamba navasana also requires some flexibility in the hamstrings of the extended leg. It can be used to help yogis build the strength and whole body integration, awareness and balance needed for paripurna navasana.
Traditionally, eka pada salamba navasana, like navasana, is associated with the manipura chakra. Working with this chakra is said to help yogis who are lacking in confidence or feeling powerless. While it builds muscular strength, it can cultivate the inner strength to overcome obstacles, such as self doubt or fear.
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