What Does
Shreem Mantra Mean?
The shreem mantra is a one-syllable sound known as a bija, or "seed," mantra. It is the bija mantra of Lakshmi, Hindu goddess of abundance and prosperity.
Shreem is also associated with the third-eye chakra, and is believed to be a divine sound that can connect the practitioner to universal consciousness. In yoga, shreem may be chanted to still and focus the mind during meditation.
Shreem comes from the Sanskrit root Shree (also translated as Sri), which is an honorific used as a sign of respect or to denote wealth and prosperity. The ‘m’ sound is thought to belong to divine powers, and so uniting this sound with shree is symbolic of paying respect to the divine.
Yogapedia Explains Shreem Mantra
The real power of a mantra is believed to stem from the sound vibrations created by chanting, either aloud or silently. Although bija mantras are typically not translatable, shreem can be broken down into several sounds of symbolic significance:
- Sha – signifies Goddess Lakshmi
- Ra – is symbolic of wealth
- Ee – represents contentment and satisfaction
- Mmm – is the sound of Brahman, or universal consciousness
Lakshmi, consort of Lord Vishnu, is the Goddess of abundance and prosperity, known for her blessings of wealth, material comfort, generosity and tenderness.
She is associated with feminine lunar energy and can be called upon to help deepen santosha, one of Patanjali’s Niyamas defined as contentment. Shreem is the bija mantra dedicated to Lakshmi, and recitation of this sound is said to call forth her blessings.
Since Lakshmi represents both material and spiritual prosperity, the shreem mantra is believed to be one of the most powerful of all mantras. It can be chanted for success in business, wealth, marriage and health, and is said to bring harmony and happiness to its practitioners. Shreem is used in particular to attract financial abundance, due to the positive aura it generates when chanted.
Like all bija mantras, shreem can either be chanted alone or as part of another mantra. One such mantra is Om Shreem Brzee Namaha, which is chanted for its ability to enhance blessings.
For maximum benefit, shreem should be chanted 108 times daily. It may be practiced in any stable seated posture such as sukhasana (easy pose) or padmasana (lotus pose), and can be chanted at any time of day.
It is important to focus on the inner vibration of this mantra whilst chanting, in order to connect with the divine power within.