What Does
Mahat Yoga Pranayama Mean?
Mahat yoga pranayama is a breathing technique for beginners. Derived from Sanskrit, mahat means “great” or “grand,” and pranayama means “breathing technique.”
To perform mahat yoga pranayama, it is suggested to begin in padmasana, vajrasana or sukhasana. The hands are placed on the knees, the eyes are closed, and the breathing is slow and long. Place the right palm on the upper abdomen and feel the breath flow up to the lower lungs. Then place the right palm on the middle of the chest. Direct the breath here and feel the expansion in the area. After a few breaths, place the palm on the upper chest and direct the breath here. Feel the breath flow and the expansion of the area here. Now place the palms back on the knees in gyan mudra. On an inhale, direct the breath first to the lower lobes of the lungs, following up to the middle and upper lobes. Reverse this direction on the exhale.
Mahat yoga pranayama is also known in English as grand yoga breath.
Yogapedia Explains Mahat Yoga Pranayama
Mahat yoga pranayama may also be performed lying down. It also may incorporate the Vishnu mudra instead.
This pranayama involves complete breathing as the breath reaches the lowest part of the lungs, then moves up mid-chest and then to the upper part of the lungs.
Benefits of mahat yoga pranayama include:
- Promotes heart health by maintaining a healthy heart rate and blood pressure
- Increases awareness of the lungs and consciousness of the breath, thereby optimizing lung capacity
- Helps one to focus on the main chakras
- Promotes feelings of groundedness
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