Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Kaki Pranayama Mean?
Kaki pranayama is a cooling yogic breathing practice that can be helpful when the body is overheated. The term is derived from the Sanskrit, kaki, meaning “crow,” and pranayama, referring to yogic breathing techniques.
To begin kaki pranayama, find a quiet place to sit in a seated position. Purse the lips, forming a small “O” shape (as if you were drinking out of a straw). On the inhale, the breath is cooled before it fills the lungs. Exhale the breath out through the nose and repeat. Yogis can change the shape of the mouth for different effects on the breath.
Kaki pranayama may referred to in English as beak breath as the pursed lips resemble that of a crow’s beak.
Yogapedia Explains Kaki Pranayama
Kaki pranayama can assist yogis in elongating their inhalation, which is helped by the pursed mouth shape. It can also assist in improving respiratory health and slowing down the breath. Some believe that regular practice of kaki pranayama can lead to a long, disease-free life.
This pranayama practice is related to the yogic gesture of kaki mudra as the lips take the same form. However, it is more closely related to the yogic breathing technique.
Finally, kaki pranayama is believed to open the anahata chakra, which is associated with relationships, love and self-acceptance.
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