Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Ardha Pavanamuktasana Mean?
Ardha pavanamuktasana is an asana often recommended for morning practice in order to remove trapped gas from the intestines. The name comes from the Sanskrit root words, ardha, meaning “half,” pavan, meaning “wind” or “air,” mukta, meaning “release,” and asana, meaning “pose.”
To perform this asana, begin by lying down. Bring one knee at a time in toward the chest, hugging it close in order to stimulate the abdomen and digestive organs.
The English name for this posture is half wind-relieving pose.

Yogapedia Explains Ardha Pavanamuktasana
Ardha pavanamuktasana is a mental practice as well as a physical posture. To feel the full benefits of the asana, it should be practiced slowly and mindfully, avoiding jerky movements. The yogi should also seek to feel gratitude for the organs of the digestive system and bring awareness to every part of the posture.
This pose may be practiced on its own or as a preparatory pose for pavanamuktasana, where both knees are drawn into the chest together. Practicing both variations of pavanamuktasana is said to relieve the bodily systems of pressure that builds up each day and reminds the body of its ability to heal itself. It is also said to stimulate the manipura chakra.
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Ardha Pavanmuktasana
Ardha Pawanmuktasana
Ardha Pawanamuktasana