Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Brahma Granthi Mean?
In yogic philosophy, Brahma granthi is one of three main blockages in the body's energy system. It is also considered a spiritual blockage. The term comes from the Sanskrit, granthi, meaning “knot,” and Brahma, which refers to the Supreme Spirit. It is also called the perineal knot.
Brahma granthi blocks the muladhara (root) and svadhisthana (sacral) chakras. This granthi is created by common earthly concerns such as worry about food and shelter, fear of death, worry about health issues and a general lack of grounding.
Brahma granthi is also the term used for the special knots that are tied in silk or cotton cords of a mala.
Yogapedia Explains Brahma Granthi
Prana energy travels through the body through channels called nadis. Granthis block the sushumna nadi, or central channel, which flows from the root chakra through to the crown chakra. To unblock a granthi, the yogi must first be aware of the knot. Yoga asana practice, meditation, pranayama and bandhas are all methods to untie the granthi. A bandha is a conscious contraction of a specific area of the body in order to control and redirect energy. The mula (root) bandha is used to remove the Brahma granthi.
The other two granthis are:
- Vishnu granthi – Also called the navel knot, this granthi is located in the region of the manipura, anahata and visuddha chakras.
- Shiva or Rudra granthi – Also called the forehead knot, it is in the region of the ajna and sahasrara chakras.
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Perineal Knot