

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Tolangulasana Mean?

Sanskrit for 'weighing scale pose,' Tolangulasana's name comes from the shape of the body whilst holding the asana. It may also reflect the sense of balance one feels whilst practicing the posture.

This intermediate to advanced Hatha yoga pose tones the abdominal organs and muscles, and is therefore good for maintaining healthy weight and digestion.


Yogapedia Explains Tolangulasana

Follow these steps to practice Tolangulasana:

  1. Sit in Padmasana, otherwise known as Lotus Pose.
  2. Tilt backward, and support the weight of the body on the elbows, which rest on floor behind you. Allow the knees to lift from the floor.
  3. Place the hands underneath the buttocks, either palms down or in a fist shape.
  4. Balance the whole weight of the body on the hands, keeping the navel slightly drawn in and core active.
  5. Inhale deeply, and retain the breath whilst engaging Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock).
  6. Hold the breath and maintain the pose for as long as feels comfortable, ideally at least 30 seconds.
  7. To release the pose, shift the weight back toward the elbows and exhale slowly as you lower the knees down.

This completes one round of Tolangulasana, and it can be repeated up to five times. This asana should be avoided by those with colitis, stomach ulcers and neck pain. It should also not be practiced by those who have had abdominal surgery.

Tolangulasana opens the chest, and strengthens muscles in the arms, shoulders and abdomen. The breath retention provides a sense of calm and relaxation, whilst the balance involved helps to focus the mind. This asana can also help to improve stimulate blood circulation in the hands and arms.

During These Times of Stress and Uncertainty Your Doshas May Be Unbalanced.

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Try not to stress over every question, but simply answer based off your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.


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