Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Poorva Halasana Mean?
Sanskrit for 'preliminary plough pose,' Poorva Halasana is a preparatory pose for Halasana, making it suitable for beginners. Unlike Halasana in which the legs lift all the way over the head, in Poorva Halasana, the mid and upper back stay planted and the legs remain at a 45-degree angle to the floor. This allows the practitioner to develop the abdominal muscles, in preparation for Halasana.

Yogapedia Explains Poorva Halasana
Follow these steps to practice Poorva Halasana:
- Lay down on the back in a supine position, keeping the legs together and the arms close to the body, palms down.
- Relax the body and allow a natural breath.
- On an inhale, slowly raise the legs up straight up, guiding them toward the face. Keep the palms, the mid and upper back firmly rooted to the mat.
- Pause when the legs are at a 45-degree angle to the torso.
- Breathe steadily and hold the pose for as long as feels comfortable.
- Exhale to slowly lower the legs back down to the floor, whilst engaging your core muscles.
This completes one round, which may be repeated up to ten times. Poorva Halasana should not be practiced by those with sciatica or a slipped disc.
Poorva Halasana is easily accessible to most, making it a great alternative to Halasana for beginners. This pose is good for toning the waist and maintaining a healthy weight, as well as improving digestion. Poorva Halasana can also help to stimulate blood circulation and relieve back pain.
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