Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Advasana Mean?
Advasana is a basic relaxation and restorative pose. The term comes from the Sanskrit advarjita, meaning “prone”; and asana, which means “posture” or “pose.”
To practice advasana, the yogi lays on the stomach with the legs stretched back and the arms reaching overhead alongside the ears. The forehead rests on the ground. The purpose of advasana is to rest the body during or just after asana practice, to steady the breathing and to calm the mind.
In English, advasana is called reverse corpse pose or prone pose.

Yogapedia Explains Advasana
Traditionally, advasana is believed to open the ajna (third eye) and manipura (solar plexus) chakras. By activating ajna, the yogi taps into their intuitive nature. Ajna is associated with imagination, clairvoyance and inner knowledge. Manipura is associated with confidence, vitality, self-esteem and the power of transformation. Advasana also reduced fatigue, stress and anxiety.
Advasana is the reverse of savasana, or corpse pose, which is practiced lying on the back. Just as in savasana, the yogi relaxes their entire body into the pose in advasana. Breathing should be natural and rhythmic, but if pressure on the chest makes breathing difficult, a pillow may be placed under the chest. If desired, a mantra may be chanted silently in sync with the breath.
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Try not to stress over every question, but simply answer based off your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.