Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Jyestikasana Mean?
Jyestikasana is a deeply relaxing and restorative asana suitable for yogis of all levels of experience. The name is derived from the Sanskrit, jyeshta, meaning “elder” or “superior.”
It is performed by lying on the stomach with the hands interlaced behind the head, while the forehead and elbows rest on the floor.
The English name for jyestikasana is superior pose.

Yogapedia Explains Jyestikasana
A soothing asana for both body and mind, jyestikasana is an ideal asana for calming the nervous system. It can be held for several minutes or as long as feels comfortable to allow the body to relax and the mind to settle. It is to be practiced with natural, rhythmic breathing to further steady the mind.
On a spiritual level, jyestikasana is said to be particularly beneficial for stimulating and balancing the manipura (solar plexus) chakra and ajna (third eye) chakra. When performing this asana, take the focus to these areas, visualizing the breath and the heat of the hands melting away any tension in the body.
During These Times of Stress and Uncertainty Your Doshas May Be Unbalanced.
To help you bring attention to your doshas and to identify what your predominant dosha is, we created the following quiz.
Try not to stress over every question, but simply answer based off your intuition. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else.