Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Pyramid On The Knee Pose Mean?
Pyramid on the knee pose is a forward bend that is a basic modification of pyramid pose. It is easier to balance and provides a less intense stretch than the full version of the posture.
To practice pyramid on the knee pose, kneel on the back leg with the thigh perpendicular to the ground and extend the other leg in front with the toes skyward. The upper body then folds over the front leg, and the palms touch the ground.
Pyramid pose is known as parsvottanasana in Sanskrit. Pyramid on the knee pose is sometimes referred to by the Sanskrit name, parsvottanasana virasana.

Yogapedia Explains Pyramid On The Knee Pose
Yogis with tight calves and hamstrings will find that pyramid on the knee pose release the back leg, allowing them to focus on the stretch of the front leg. The pose can also be practiced with the front foot against a wall and yoga blocks providing support for the hands and arms.
In addition to stretching the legs, pyramid on the knee pose offers these benefits:
- Stretches and lengthens the spine
- Strengthens the legs
- Improves digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs
- Improves balance
- Calms the mind
- Improves posture
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Kneeling Pyramid
Kneeling Pyramid Pose
Pyramid Kneeling