Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Supta Dandasana Mean?
Supta dandasana is a basic reclined posture used as a restorative pose. The name comes from the Sanskrit supta, meaning “reclined”; danda, meaning “staff” or “stick”; and asana, which means “posture” or “pose.” In English, it is known as reclining staff pose, reclining stick pose or rejuvenation pose. It is a variation of the foundational Hatha yoga pose dandasana.
From supine position, the legs are raised to the sky, forming a 90-degree angle with the torso. The arms rest on the ground in a comfortable position, either alongside the body or out to the sides. Supta dandasana may also be practiced with the legs up a wall.

Yogapedia Explains Supta Dandasana
As a resting and restorative pose, supta dandasana calms the mind and improves focus. Among its physical benefits are core-strengthening, improved spinal alignment and improved flexibility.
Supta dandasana also is believed to open and balance the muladhara (root) and ajna (third-eye) chakras. When the muladhara chakra is balanced, the yogi feels a sense of security and groundedness. The ajna chakra is the center of intuition and inner knowing. It represents the end of duality, when the Self becomes one with the universe or Higher Self.
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