Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Supta Kapotasana Mean?
Supta kapotasana is a gentle supine posture which provides a supported stretch for the lower body. Derived from Sanskrit, supta, means “supine,” kapota means “pigeon” and asana means “pose.”
In this asana, the back of the body rests on the ground with both legs bent and drawn in. The right ankle crosses the left thigh close to the knee and the right hand reaches between the legs to take the left hand. The left arm is wrapped around the outside and both hands interlace to hold the left leg behind the thigh or on the shin. To increase the hip opening benefits of this posture, the right elbow may be used to press the right thigh open. The pose is then repeated with the legs in opposite position.
Supta kapotasana may be referred to in English as reclined pigeon pose.

Yogapedia Explains Supta Kapotasana
Supta kapotasana is considered a more accessible variation of kapotasana. Traditionally, supta kapotasana, like kapotasana, is believed to stimulate the two lowest chakras – the muladhara and svadisthana chakras. Working with these chakras is thought to benefit the yogi’s relationship with him/herself and others. Balancing these chakras also helps the yogi to feel more grounded, stable and content.
In addition to its physical benefits, supta kapotasana is very soothing for the body and mind. Its gentle supported opening effects are thought to alleviate stress. This asana may also be practiced to help with any issues involving intimacy, trust and/or security.
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