What Does
Twisted Lizard Pose Mean?
Twisted lizard pose is an advanced asana which challenges one's flexibility level.
To enter this pose, begin in downward-facing dog pose. Bring the left leg forward to place the left foot by the outer side of the left palm, then place both forearms on the floor. Lower the right knee to the ground while stretching back completely. Bend the right forearm so that the righthand fingers are pointed to the left, then bring the left hand up to hold the toes of the right leg, which now bends at the knee. Remain in the pose for one minute before repeating the same series of movements on the other side, beginning with the right leg forward.
Twisted lizard pose is one of the advanced versions of lizard pose, which is called utthan pristhasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Twisted Lizard Pose
Twisted lizard pose may be difficult for beginners with a low flexibility level. It is recommended for the yogi to first practice lizard pose, the simpler version, which prepares the body for the advanced variation. One may initially use a yoga strap to hold the toes of the leg that is bent.
The benefits of twisted lizard pose include:
- Opening of the hips and chest
- Improved hip flexibility
- Improved spinal flexibility
- Preparing the body for advanced arm balances
- Toning of the abdominal organs and improvement in their function
- Improved leg flexibility
- Strengthening of the core muscles
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