
Ashta Chandrasana

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Ashta Chandrasana Mean?

Ashta chandrasana is a high lunge that lengthens the sides of the body and opens the hips. The name comes from the Sanskrit, ashta, meaning “eight,” chandra, meaning “moon” and asana, which means “pose” or “posture.”

To practice ashta chandrasana, the back leg remains straight while the front leg bends 90 degrees at the knee. Both arms stretch to the sky with the palms facing or touching each other. The gaze is upward, creating a slight arch or crescent shape in the back.

Ashta chandrasana may also be known in English as crescent lunge pose.

Ashta Chandrasana


Yogapedia Explains Ashta Chandrasana

For beginners, ashta chandrasana is a great introduction to lunges, particularly before virabhadrasana B. The former asana doesn't require as intense a hamstring stretch because the back leg balances on the ball of the foot. Ashta chandrasana is also useful for developing a sense of stability and balance, both physical and spiritual.

As a grounding asana, it activates the muladhara (root) chakra. By opening this chakra, ashta chandrasana builds confidence and creates a feeling of security and grounding. The muladhara is also the foundation upon which higher spiritual development may be built.

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