Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Mean?
Eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana is an intermediate yoga posture that is a combination of setu bandhasana and sarvangasana. Derived from Sanskrit, eka means "one," pada means "foot," setu means "bridge," bandha means "lock," sarva means "all," anga means "limbs" and asana means "pose."
From bridge pose, the left leg is lifted off the floor and extended up toward the sky. The pose is held for a cycle of eight to 10 breaths then repeated on the opposite side.
The English name for eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana is one leg bridge pose.

Yogapedia Explains Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Before attempting eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana, it is essential to practice bridge pose as it helps the yogi to understand the alignment of the body while performing the pose.
The mental health benefits of eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana include:
- Relieves anxiety
- Calms yet energizes the mind
- Improves mental focus
- Promotes sense of balance
Eka pada setu bandha sarvangasana stimulates the visuddha and anahata chakras. The visuddha chakra is associated with self-expression, listening skills, creativity and psychic ability. The anahata chakra promotes love, compassion, forgiveness, harmony, trust and positive thoughts, which supports spiritual progress.
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