What Does
Supine Spinal Twist Pose Mean?
Supine spinal twist pose, also referred to as reclined spinal twist, is a simple and effective beginner's yoga pose. It is commonly known as supta Matsyendrasana in Sanskrit, which translates as "supine lord of the fishes pose."
To enter the pose, lie down on the back. Bend the right leg and bring the right knee toward the chest. Placing the palm of the left hand on the outer side of the right knee, gently press down, moving the right leg toward the floor and on the outer side of the left leg. Stretch the arms out sideways making a "T" shape with the upper body.
To modify this pose and get an additional stretch, the yogi can place the left arm over the right knee to help it stay on the floor. Turn the head to the right, looking out toward the right hand, or keep the head straight.

Yogapedia Explains Supine Spinal Twist Pose
Supine spinal twist can easily be performed by beginners and is highly recommended for those with back conditions. Some of the health benefits of the pose include:
- Stretches the spine and back
- Promotes flexibility of the shoulders, back and spine
- Stimulates function of the abdominal organs
- Treats migraines
- Oxygenates the blood
- Energizes
- Relieves stress and promotes calm
Those with severe hip conditions should avoid practicing this pose as well as those with chronic back conditions, unless under able supervision.
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