
Sri Vidya Tantra

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Sri Vidya Tantra Mean?

Sri Vidya Tantra is a spiritual practice that centers on goddess worship — more specifically, Sri Devi or Lalita Tripurasundari. The term comes from the Sanskrit, sri, which means “wealth,” “grace,” “divinity” or “prosperity”; and vid, meaning “to know.” Tantra, which means “to weave,” refers to spiritual, esoteric practices that direct cosmic energy inward, nurturing the Divine within. Tantra can also mean the actual texts of the tradition.

This Hindu sect promotes both self-realization and material abundance.


Yogapedia Explains Sri Vidya Tantra

The goddess, Lalita Tripurasundari, is the cosmic mother who represents the sleeping, dreaming and waking worlds. Worship of the goddess includes the Sri Yantra, a ritual object made of nine intersecting triangles, representing the chakra energy centers.

In the Sri Vidya Tantra tradition, the deity is worshiped as the Self, or the Divine within. It is, therefore, a non-dualistic tradition in which the individual existence and the cosmic world are the same. Sri Vidya Tantra beliefs vary in the sect's various texts and among the different schools, but are similar to those of Kashmir Shaivism, another non-dualist tradition.

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