What Does
Hakini Mudra Mean?
Hakini mudra is a sacred hand gesture or "seal," used during yoga and meditation practice as a means of channeling the flow of vital life force energy known as prana.
Named after the Hindu Goddess Hakini, this mudra is one of the most widely used, particularly during meditation practice. In Sanskrit, Hakini means "power" or "rule," and this mudra is believed to give the practitioner power over their own mind.
Hakini mudra is a hasta mudra, meaning it is performed with the hands. It can be practiced in any stable seated posture such as sukhasana (easy pose) or padmasana (lotus pose), in which the spine can remain upright.
To practice this gesture, first bring the palms to face one another a few inches apart. Bring the fingertips and thumbs of both hands together, allowing them to maintain light contact. The hands can then be raised to the level of the third-eye chakra, in the center of the forehead.
In order to enhance the benefits of this mudra, the drishti (gaze) should be lifted towards the third-eye. Additionally, whilst breathing through the nostrils, the tongue should be placed against the roof of the mouth with each inhalation, and relaxed with each exhalation.
Hakini mudra can be practiced for up to 30 minutes daily, either in one go or broken down into three 10 minute practices. Although this gesture can be practiced at any time of day, ideally it should be performed during sunrise.
Hakini mudra is also called the mudra for the mind.

Yogapedia Explains Hakini Mudra
Hakini mudra is used to enhance concentration, in addition to stimulating the third-eye (ajna) chakra, otherwise known as the seat of intuition and instinct.
Goddess Hakini personifies the energy of the third-eye chakra, and represents imagination, clairvoyance, intuition and inner knowing. She is depicted as having six heads and sitting on a two-petaled lotus flower, symbolic of the two hemispheres of the brain.
Practicing Hakini mudra is believed to invoke the energy of Goddess Hakini, as a means of stimulating and opening the third-eye chakra.
Hakini mudra is particularly useful to counter the effects of stress, fatigue and anxiety. Other benefits of Hakini mudra include:
Hakini mudra also cultivates one's connection with the third eye chakra, thereby promoting intuition and insight. In addition, by bringing together the fingertips of both hands, the energy of the two sides of the body becomes connected, increasing coordination between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.