Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Downward-Facing Frog Pose Mean?
Downward-facing frog pose is a powerful hip opener and inner groin stretch, with a wide range of health benefits. It is particularly beneficial for runners and other athletes who may be prone to tightness in the hips and groin.
To enter the pose, start in table pose on a yoga mat. Mindfully begin to take the knees out to either side of the mat until they are as wide as is comfortable. Bring the ankles in line behind the knees with the feet turned outward. Lower the forearms to the mat, with the palms down or pressed together. Bring awareness into the hip and groin area and slowly release the hips further down to the ground. Breathe for a cycle of three to six breaths and then mindfully push up through the arms to come out of the pose.
The Sanskrit name for downward-facing frog is adho mukha mandukasana.

Yogapedia Explains Downward-Facing Frog Pose
Downward-facing frog can be practiced as part of a vinyasa flow. It is also popular in Yin yoga where it may be held for longer periods of time.
Additional physical benefits of downward-facing frog include:
- Releases the chest and shoulders
- Aids in digestion
- Counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting
- Acts as a gentle backbend
Yogis with sensitive joints may choose to modify this asana by placing a folded blanket under the knees and elbows to provide additional padding and relieve pressure.
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