Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Half Wind-Relieving Pose Mean?
Half wind-relieving pose is considered beneficial for releasing gas from the body and digestive system, particularly the stomach.
To enter the pose, the yogi lies on the back with the legs extended together and the arms by the sides. One leg is then raised, the knees bend and are drawn in toward the chest. The fingers are interlaced around the shin, pressing the thigh into the torso and the chin may be raised toward the knee. The posture is repeated on the opposite side. It is generally practiced on the right side first.
The Sanskrit name for this pose is ardha pavanamuktasana.

Yogapedia Explains Half Wind-Relieving Pose
Half wind-relieving pose is said to support healthy digestion by massaging the abdomen and digestive organs. Because it stimulates the pelvis and reproductive organs, it is thought to be beneficial for those suffering from menstrual pain. It is also said to stimulate the pancreas, thereby helping to manage and even prevent diabetes.
In terms of muscular action, half wind-relieving pose stretches the lower back and may be helpful for those suffering from general back pain.
Half wind-relieving pose should be modified by those who suffer from high blood pressure by keeping the head on the floor.
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