Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Belly Twist A Mean?
Belly twist A is a relaxing yoga pose that stretches, realigns and lengthens the spine.
To enter this pose, the yogi lies on the back with the arms perpendicular to the body and the palms facing down. The knees are bent and brought to the chest, then dropped to one side. The head turns the opposite way to gaze at the fingertips. The back gently twists while the shoulders stay on the floor.
Belly twist A may also be referred to by its Sanskrit name, jathara parivartanasana A.

Yogapedia Explains Belly Twist A
There are two versions of the belly twist. In version A, the knees are bent. In version B, the body twists with straight legs. The twist improves digestion and blood circulation, releases toxins and hydrates the spinal discs. It can also help to relieve stress and mild headaches, and re-energizes and rejuvenates the body.
This pose should not be practiced by people with recent or chronic injuries of the back, hips or knees. A pillow or a folded blanket can be placed below the knees to ease any discomfort. To deepen the stretch, the practitioner can place a hand on the top of the knees and pull them lower.
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Spinal Twist A
Reclining Abdominal Twist A
Belly Twist
Spinal Twist
Reclining Abdominal Twist
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