Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Hasta Padangusthasana Mean?
Hasta padangusthasana is a standing asana that stretches and strengthens various parts of the body, especially the legs, arms and back.
In this posture, the yogi balances on one foot while grabbing the other foot with one hand. The raised leg is fully extended, and the spine stays straight.
Hasta padangusthasana may also be referred to by its English name, standing hand-to-toe pose.

Yogapedia Explains Hasta Padangusthasana
This powerful asana activates the svadisthana (spleen or sacral) and muladhara (root) chakras, which govern the yogi's sense of stability, willpower, confidence and security. Other benefits linked to hasta padangusthasana include improved emotional balance, a greater sense of well-being and a greater level of self-awareness over time.
Hand-to-big-toe pose can be practiced while seated or lying down. Poses that can be practiced in order to prepare the body for this asana include uttanasana and supta padangusthasana.
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