
Sahaja Yoga

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Sahaja Yoga Mean?

Sahaja Yoga is a type of yoga developed in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It teaches Self-realization through the awakening of kundalini energy. Self-realization is achieved through a specific type of meditation, resulting in what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi calls a “moral, united, integrated and balanced” person. One of the core principles of Sahaja Yoga is that each practitioner becomes their own guru.

The term comes from the Sanskrit saha, meaning “with,” and ja, meaning “born.” The Sahaja Yoga website defines it as “spontaneous union with the Self.”


Yogapedia Explains Sahaja Yoga

The goal of Sahaja Yoga is Self-realization or moksha (enlightenment), which is the connection of the inner self with an eternal Spirit that is the source of peace, joy and true knowledge. Unlike other schools of yoga, Sahaja Yoga does not practice chanting, mantras or physical exercises. Instead, the Sahaja yogi develops a quiet, thoughtless awareness of the subtle energy (prana) within. This technique is described as a natural awakening that does not require any conscious effort.

Sahaja Yoga believes that in addition to the physical body, humans have a subtle body made up of energy channels (nadis) and energy centers (chakras). Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, the yogi gains awareness that Absolute Truth can be felt through this energy system. The growth of awareness then happens effortlessly, creating mental, emotional and physical balance.

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