
Namaskar Parsvakonasana

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Namaskar Parsvakonasana Mean?

Namaskar parsvakonasana is a strong standing revolved posture that requires strength in the legs and flexibility through the torso and upper body. Derived from Sanskrit, namaskar means “greeting” or “salutation”; parsva means “side” or “flank”; kona means “angle”; and asana means “pose."

In this asana, the legs are in a high lunge position with the body lengthened and twisted over the front thigh so that the opposite elbow crosses over the front knee. The palms are in prayer position in front of the chest and the gaze can be to the side or upward.

Namaskar parsvakonasana may be commonly referred to in English as prayer twist.

Namaskar Parsvakonasana


Yogapedia Explains Namaskar Parsvakonasana

Namaskar parsvakonasana is a variation on the side stretching posture of parsvakonasana and a more advanced variation of revolved side angle pose. In addition to its physical benefits, this asana helps develop mental stamina and balance due to the focus and effort required to hold the posture.

Traditionally, namaskar parsvokanasana, like all twists and the similar posture of parivrtta parsvakovanasana, is believed to stimulate the manipura (solar plexus) chakra. As such, it is thought to increase feelings of confidence and self-worth. Many believe that working with this chakra helps the yogi to face his/her fears and gives courage to bring about positive change into their life. Therefore, practicing namaskar parsvakonasana can help encourage the yogi to be more assertive, self-assured and powerful.

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Namaskara Parsvakonasana

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