Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Namaskarasana Mean?
Namaskarasana is a gentle yet effective asana that even beginning yogis can incorporate into their practice. Derived from Sanskrit, namaskar means “greeting” and asana means “pose” or “posture.”
In this pose, the yogi begins in tadasana with the hands in prayer position in front of the heart, then lowers into a squat with the elbows pressed into the creases of the knees. The pose is held for up to eight breaths
Namaskarasana is also known as prayer squat in English.
Yogapedia Explains Namaskarasana
Namaskarasana is known to be helpful for women preparing for birth. It is also thought to improve both balance and concentration.
Namaskarasana is believed to stimulate the root (muladhara) chakra at the base of the spine, which can help the yogi to feel more grounded.
Additional pressure from the elbows while in this pose will help the yogi deepen the stretch. If the heels are unable to sit on the floor in this asana, using a supportive blanket or widening the stance of the feet will assist with proper positioning and support. Finally, yogis may wish to do multiple prayer squats as a challenging flow.
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