What Does
Vikasitakamalasana Mean?
Vikasitakamalasana is an intermediate seated balancing asana that opens the hips, and focuses and stabilizes the mind. The name comes from the Sanskrit, vikasita, meaning “blossomed” or “expanded”; kamala, meaning “lotus flower” or “sacred lotus”; and asana, which means “pose” or “posture.”
To practice the pose, begin seated in baddha konasana with the heels touching and the knees dropped off the sides. Reach the arms under the lower legs, then rock backward, drawing the arms and legs off the ground until balanced on the sit bones. The thumb and forefinger of each hand touch to form gyan mudra.
In English, vikasitakamalasana is known as flowering lotus or blooming lotus.
Yogapedia Explains Vikasitakamalasana
Vikasitakamalasana symbolizes the blossoming and awakening of the spiritual Self — a letting go of the past and a rebirth of the soul. In addition to its physical benefits, vikasitakamalasana has these mental and emotional benefits:
- Calms the mind
- Eases anxiety and stress
- Improves concentration
- Creates emotional balance
Vikasitakamalasana is also believed to stimulate the anahata (heart) chakra, which is associated with love, empathy and compassion. It also opens the heart to forgiveness, allowing the yogi to let go of grievances and negative feelings.
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