What Does
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana Mean?
Parivrtta ardha chandrasana is an intermediate standing yoga asana. It is a challenging extension of ardha chandrasana, combining balance with a twist. The name comes from the Sanskrit words parivrtta, meaning "revolved," ardha, meaning "half," chandra, meaning "moon," and asana, meaning "pose."
To enter the pose, begin standing in tadasana. Mindfully lower the torso halfway into ardha uttanasana (half standing forward bend). Placing the right hand on the ground a couple of feet in front of the face, begin to shift some weight into the palm of the hand. Keeping the left leg grounded, lift the right leg up and straight back. Bring the rest of the body weight into the left leg. Twisting the torso and chest to the left, open the left arm up and out to the side. The drishti (gaze) is up toward the sky. Hold for three to six breaths then repeat on the opposite side. A block can be used under the hand to steady the balance and elongate the spine.
Parivrtta ardha chandrasana is called revolved half moon pose in English.

Yogapedia Explains Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Parivrtta ardha chandrasana activates the grounding energy of the muladhara (root) chakra and the creative energy of the svadisthana (spleen or sacral) chakra.
Additional benefits of this pose include:
- Stretches the hamstrings
- Strengthens the sacrum, low back and abdominal muscles
- Improves mental focus and balance
- Cleanses and detoxifies
- Supports metabolism
- Improves elimination and digestion
Yogis experiencing migraines, low blood pressure or neck pain may choose to keep the drishti forward instead of turning the gaze upward.
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