Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Peacock Pose Mean?
Peacock pose is an advanced arm balancing posture that can be practiced as an alternative to crow pose, which is the tenth of the 12 basic Hatha yoga poses.
To perform peacock pose, kneel on the floor with space between the knees. Sit on the heels and place the palms on the floor between the thighs so that the fingers point toward the body. Bend the elbows, letting the abdomen rest on them. With a firm base in the hands, bend forward to stretch the legs backward and upward, keeping the knees straight.
Peacock pose is also known as mayurasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Peacock Pose
In addition to strengthening various parts of the body, peacock pose can improve digestion, detoxify the body, increase sexual vitality, and energize the "digestive fire" so that the body can digest anything and resist toxins. Other physical benefits of peacock pose include:
- Promotes balance
- Strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders
- Improves posture
- Tones abdominal organs
- Stretches the spine and back
- Boosts focus
- Promotes a sense of calm
It may be difficult for beginners to hold this pose. If so, practice the pose for a few seconds and slowly build up the endurance to increase its duration. Four-limbed staff pose (chataranga dandasana) can be practiced as a preparatory pose for peacock pose.
Peacock pose should not be performed by those with injury in the wrist, elbows, shoulders and back. Pregnant women should also avoid this pose.
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