Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Gate Pose Mean?
Gate pose is a yoga posture that provides a useful workout for the entire sides of the body.
To enter this pose, kneel on the left leg and extend the right leg out to the side without locking the knee. The arms are raised up, then the right arm lowers to the right leg while the left arm remains high. The body should gently bend toward the extended leg, providing a stretch for the side body. These steps are then repeated on the opposite side.
Gate pose is also known as parighasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Gate Pose
A variation of this pose — called beam pose — sees the hands coming together over the extended leg while the arms remain extended as well.
There are many physical benefits to gate pose, including:
- Improved digestion
- Easier respiration
- Healthier spinal position
- Lengthens the abdominal muscles
Among the people who can get the most health benefits from this pose are those who suffer from respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies.
When practicing this pose, it is important not to put unnecessary strain on the extended leg by leaning on it.
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