Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Butterfly Pose Mean?
Butterfly pose, also sometimes called bound angle pose, is a gentle pose that allows for stretch of the groin and hamstrings, depending on the distance of the feet away from the body.
To enter the pose, sit with back straight on the sit bones of the buttocks. Bend the knees, bringing the feet together in front of the body with toes, arches and heels pressed against each other with the hands remaining on the feet. Keeping the feet together, bring the heels as close to the groin area as comfortable. Enjoy deep breaths in this pose for as long as needed. Individuals can also practice the pose by gently bouncing the legs up and down (like butterfly wings) or by tilting the upper body forward at the hips, keeping a straight spine, to increase the stretch.
Butterfly pose may also be referred to as baddha konasana in Sanskrit.

Yogapedia Explains Butterfly Pose
Butterfly pose is often used with other sitting poses or as a transitional pose for mat work in a yoga class, or is incorporated into a meditative practice.
The closer the heels are to the groin area in this pose, the deeper the groin stretch. The further the heels are from the groin area, while feet are still bound, the more the stretch will be experienced in the hamstrings. A yoga blanket can be used for support under the buttocks and thighs, or blocks can be used for support under each knee.
This pose may assist in healthy digestion and can aid in menstrual pain relief. Many practitioners believe, if regularly practiced during pregnancy, it can aid in easing delivery. In addition, the simplicity of butterfly pose creates a peaceful place to enter into meditation that involves matching the breath with movements of the legs.
Some of the other benefits of butterfly pose include:
- Enhanced flexibility in the legs, hips and groin
- Stimulation of the abdominal organs
- Physical and mental relaxation and reduced stress
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Bound Angle Pose
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