Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Utthan Pristhasana Mean?
Utthan pristhasana is a preparatory pose for advanced hip opening postures. The term is derived from the Sanskrit, utthan, meaning "stretch out," pristha, meaning "page of a book" or "back of the body," and asana, meaning "pose."
To enter the pose, assume adho mukha svanasana in which one's palms and feet are firmly placed on the ground with the hips high up and the legs and hands stretched to resemble an inverted "V" shape. Bring the right foot forward, placing it on the outer side of the palm of the right hand. Place the forearms on the floor. Let the left leg stretch back with the toes on the ground. Remain in the pose for one minute before repeating on the other side.
Utthan pristhasana is called lizard pose (including its variations, such as flying and twisted lizard pose) in English.
Yogapedia Explains Utthan Pristhasana
Utthan pristhasana refers to lizard pose and its variations, which are advanced asanas. The advanced versions of lizard pose are flying lizard pose and twisted lizard pose.
Utthan pristhasana stretches and opens the hips, improves hip flexibility, stretches the hamstrings and quadriceps and strengthens the inner thighs and leg muscles.
The mental benefits of this asana include calming of the mind, stress relief and the release of emotions rooted deeply inside.
Utthan pristhasana activates the svadisthana, the second chakra. Svadisthana chakra is associated with creativity, confidence, survival instinct and a feeling of abundance.
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Uttana Prasithasana
Uttan Prasithasana
Utthana Pristhasana
Uttana Pristhasana