Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Marichi’s Pose B Mean?
Marichi's pose B is a seated posture where one leg is brought into half lotus position and the other leg is bent, as if coming into a squat position with the sole of the foot on the ground. The arm of the squatting leg wraps from the inside to the outside of the leg and around the back. The other arm goes around the back so that the hand can clasp the opposite wrist. The torso then folds forward inside the vertical thigh.
This pose can be particularly challenging for those with limited flexibility in the hips as getting one leg into half lotus requires the hips to already be very open. It forms part of the primary series in Ashtanga yoga, where the first four variations of Marichi's pose A, B, C and D are performed in sequence.
The Sanskrit name for Marichi's pose B is Marichyasana B.

Yogapedia Explains Marichi’s Pose B
The name, Marichi's pose, comes from the fact that it is dedicated to the sage, Marichi, from Hindu mythology who is also the son of Brahma.
Marichi's pose B provides a powerful stretch for the spine and shoulders. It can also increase flexibility in the hips and hamstrings. It has many internal physical benefits as it massages the organs and glands. In particular, it is said to stimulate the ascending and descending colon, assisting the elimination of waste. It is also said to improve digestion, breathing, and may relieve menstrual pain. Some say that Marichi's pose B strengthens the womb for carrying a child, although it should not be practiced after the second month of pregnancy.
This pose can be modified by holding a strap between the hands if the hands cannot reach far enough to clasp each other. Sitting on a folded blanket can also help by lifting the hips.
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Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi B
Marichi Pose B
Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi II
Pose Dedicated to the Sage II