Last updated: December 21, 2023
What Does
Standing Split Pose Mean?
Standing split pose is an intermediate yoga pose that challenges the balance and stretches the legs and hips. It is a preparatory pose for full split poses practiced on the floor.
From mountain pose, the hands are brought overhead and the body bends at the hips, coming to standing forward fold. Both hands are placed on the floor, then the weight is shifted to one foot while the other leg lifts high and the torso moves closer to the standing leg.
Standing split pose may also be referred to by its Sanskrit name, urdhva prasarita eka padasana.
Yogapedia Explains Standing Split Pose
Standing split pose is an inversion wherein the head is below the heart. Therefore, it is also great for improving circulation, countering stress and strengthening the immune system. It has the additional benefits of other inversions such as relief from headaches, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and mild depression.
Tight hamstrings might be an issue when practicing this pose. It is important for the individual to take this pose slowly and find modifications that work for him/her. The hands can rest on yoga blocks if they cannot reach the floor and the lifted leg can be pressed against a wall or supported by a chair.
Standing forward fold is the foundation for this pose, so it is very important to learn the correct alignment in it before moving into a standing split. The hamstrings must be warmed up for this pose and the practitioner’s focus should be on the stretch, not on the height of the lift.
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