What Does
Sri Aurobindo Mean?
Sri Aurobindo was an Indian yogi, as well as philosopher, guru and poet who lived from 1872 to 1950 C.E. He developed the spiritual practice known as Integral yoga. His aim was for people to achieve not only liberation, but to experience a transformation of their nature which would enable them to lead a divine life on earth. This became his vision for humanity – turning human life into divine life.
He was one of the most influential figures in the Indian independence movement, seeking freedom for India from British rule. He led the movement for some time, then later became a spiritual reformer where he shared his visions for the progress and spiritual development of humanity.
Yogapedia Explains Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo initially followed a political, rather than spiritual path. He studied at King’s College in Cambridge and, upon his return to India, he became involved in politics, writing articles which protested against the rule of the British in India. He was briefly imprisoned and, while in jail, he experienced mystical and spiritual realizations. After his release, he refocused on his spiritual work, seeing his role as being far wider than to serve and liberate his country.
He founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1926, along with Mirra Alfassa, who was known as “The Mother.” He wrote a range of spiritual and literary works, including:
- “The Life Divine” – Outlines the theory of Integral yoga
- “Synthesis of Yoga” – A more practical guide to Integral yoga
- “Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol” – An epic poem about part of the “Mahabharata” where the characters apply Integral yoga to their own lives
- Commentaries and translations of yogic texts including the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas
He also wrote thousands of letters to his spiritual disciples, outlining his teachings and answering their questions about Integral yoga. Sri Aurobindo was nominated for both the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Nobel Peace Prize.
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