

Last updated: December 21, 2023

What Does Parashakti Mean?

Parashakti (or para shakti) is the name given in yogic philosophy and Hinduism to a type of energy, or power, which is considered to be the highest form of life force energy. The broader term, shakti, refers to the primordial cosmic energy that fills the universe. In Hinduism, Shakti is specifically the personification of divine feminine creative power.

From Sanskrit, shakti means “power” or “empowerment,” and para means “highest” or “transcendent.” Thus, para shakti can be translated as “highest energy” or “transcendent force.”


Yogapedia Explains Parashakti

Parashakti is more commonly written when the concept is being personified as the Divine Mother in Hinduism. In this way, Parashakti is not only the energy, but the force of creation and the highest source of all existence.

It is said that on the earthly plane, all forms of shakti are most tangibly manifested through females, creativity and fertility. Males also possess shakti in a potential and unmanifest form. According to Hindu philosophy, shakti is responsible for all creation and change in existence, and parashakti is the initiating and highest force for these processes.

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Para Shakti

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